Pisah & Limit di Mikrotik

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

Langsung aja ah…..
Test running well di RB750 OS ver.4.5


contoh buat Point Blank, game lain sesuaikan aja port/ip nya
chain=game action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=Game passthrough=yes protocol=tcp dst-address= dst-port=39190 comment=”Point Blank”

chain=game action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=Game passthrough=yes protocol=udp dst-address= dst-port=40000-40010

chain=game action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=Game_pkt passthrough=no connection-mark=Game

chain=prerouting action=jump jump-target=game


chain=forward action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=Poker_con passthrough=yes protocol=tcp dst-address-list=LOAD POKER comment=”POKER”

chain=forward action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=Poker_con passthrough=yes protocol=tcp content=statics.poker.static.zynga.com

chain=forward action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=Poker passthrough=no connection-mark=Poker_con


chain=forward action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=http passthrough=yes protocol=tcp in-interface=WAN out-interface=Lan packet-mark=!Game_pkt connection-mark=!Game connection-bytes=0-262146 comment=”BROWSE”

chain=forward action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=http_pkt passthrough=no protocol=tcp connection-mark=http


chain=prerouting action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=Upload passthrough=no protocol=tcp src-address= in-interface=Lan packet-mark=!icmp_pkt comment=”UPLOAD”


chain=forward action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=Download passthrough=yes protocol=tcp in-interface=WAN out-interface=Lan packet-mark=!Game_pkt connection-mark=!Poker_con connection bytes=262146-4294967295 comment=”LIMIT DOWNLOAD”

chain=forward action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=Download_pkt passthrough=no packet-mark=!Game_pk> connection-mark=Download


queue type

name=”Download” kind=pcq pcq-rate=256000 pcq-limit=50 pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-total-limit=2000

name=”Http” kind=pcq pcq-rate=1M pcq-limit=50 pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-total-limit=2000

name=”Game” kind=pcq pcq-rate=0 pcq-limit=50 pcq-classifier=src-address,dst-address,src-port,dst-port pcq-total-limit=2000

name=”Upload” kind=pcq pcq-rate=0 pcq-limit=50 pcq-classifier=src-address pcq-total-limit=2000

Queue Tree

name=”Main Browse” parent=Lan limit-at=0 priority=8 max-limit=1M burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

name=”Browse” parent=Main Browse packet-mark=http_pkt limit-at=0 queue=Http priority=8 max-limit=1M burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

name=”Game” parent=global-total packet-mark=Game_pkt limit-at=0 queue=Game priority=1 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

name=”Poker” parent=global-out packet-mark=Poker limit-at=0 queue=Game priority=3 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

name=”Download” parent=global-out packet-mark=Download_pkt limit-at=0 queue=Download priority=8 max-limit=256k burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

name=”Main Upload” parent=global-in limit-at=0 priority=8 max-limit=256k burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

name=”Upload” parent=Main Upload packet-mark=Upload limit-at=0 queue=Upload priority=8 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

BROWSING 1Mbs bagi rata sekampung (baca: satu jaringan)
DOWNLOAD 256Kbps bagi rata sekampung
GAME seadanya bandwith sesuai kebutuhan sekampung
POKER seadanya bandwith sesuai kebutuhan sekampung
UPLOAD seadanya bandwith bagi rata sesuai kebutuhan sekampung

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IPtables NAT di Ubuntu

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

Aktifkan ip forward :
#echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Masquerade IP, untuk masquerade IP client menjadi IP Public sehingga bisa meresolv domain :
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
Redirect port 80 ke port Squid 3128 :
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -j REDIRECT -p tcp -s -d 0/0 –dport 80 –to-ports 3128
iptables –t nat –A PREROUTING –p tcp –s – -dport 80 –j REDIRECT – -to-port 3128
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -j REDIRECT -p tcp -s -d 0/0 --dport 80 --to-ports 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

di sesuaikan dengan kemauan agan ya... 

Manual :

di copy ke etc/rc.local
tempatkan di paling bawah.... Ok

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Hapus Cache Proxy

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

squid berfungsi untuk mencache atau menyimpan webiste yang blm di akses dan juga pernah di akses. jika cache kepenuhan bagaimana cara menghapusnya :

berikut ini langkah-langkahnya :

1. login terlebih dahulu dengan PUTTY
2. stop squid'y : sudo /etc/init.d/squid stop
3. masuk ke direktory cache (disesuaikan) : cd /cache
4. hapus semua cache : rm -rf *
5. buat direktory cache :  squid -f /etc/squid/squid.conf -z
6. start squid : sudo /etc/init.d/squid start atau sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart

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Cara Instal PB NSIS Error

Written by Bima Firewall 3 comments Posted in:

Ini pengalaman saya dapet NSIS error
Jadi saya memberikan solusi atau mengatasi NSIS error ini
sial banget padahal gw suka maen PB,bosen maen di warnet jadi install di rumah,malah NSIS errorNiatnya mau install point blank hasil download tapi pas di klik ada bacaan NSIS error

NSIS kepanjangan dari Nullsoft Scriptable Install Sistem adalah suatu software installer suatu aplikasi. NSIS bukan bawaan dari OS. klo sobast mau tau lengkapnya NSIS itu apa silahkan buka berkunjungi di web resminya http://nsis.sourceforge.net/.
NSIS error bisa dikarena file instaler programnya rusak karena download yang tidak sempurna atau pun karena terkena virus.
Jadi dalam masalah ini, NSIS saya rusak karena virus.

tapi tenang aja
lihat letak file yang akan di install, bisa di lihat di explorer bagian address, nah dalam kasus ini file PB_Setup_20101021.exe terletak di drive E: tanpa kamar. jadi bisa di akses E:\PB_Setup_20101021.exe

supaya bisa di install masuk ke cmd caranya start>run>ketik cmd>ok
dalam CMD ane tujukan dulu ke drive tempat aplikasi yang ingin di install lalu tambahkan command /NCRC berarti ngetiknya di cmd seperti ini E:\PB_Setup_20101021.exe /NCRC
ingat setelah exe kasih spasi lalu /NCRC lau tekan enter  

 udah deh bisa,liat pb nya muncul tinggal next atau lanjutkan saja

biasanya pertama kali di install pas di buka ada bacaan server penuh atau semacamnya,restart dulu komputernya lalu coba lagi,horeee bisa tapi harus update dulu pertamanya emang lama updatenya. 

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Refresh Pattern Proxy

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

refresh_pattern –i \.((facebook.com)|(fbcdn.net)|(akamaihd.net)).*\.(jpg|gif|png|mp(4|3))$ 1440 300% 10080 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern \.kaskus.us.*\/ 43200 90% 129600 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale

refresh_pattern \.detik.com.*\.(jpg|png|gif|css|js|swf)$ 10080 200% 43200 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-no-cache store-stale

refresh_pattern –i \.(zip|exe|dll|ini|rar)$ 1440 100% 10080 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i \.(iso|avi|wav|mp3|mp4|mpeg|swf|flv)$ 43200 90% 432000 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i \.(exe|zip|tar|tgz|ram|rar|bin|ppt|doc|tiff)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i \.index.(html|htm)$ 0 40% 10080
refresh_pattern -i \.(html|htm|css|js)$ 1440 40% 40320
refresh_pattern . 0 40% 40320

refresh_pattern -i movies.com/.* 10080 90% 43200
refresh_pattern (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0

# izinkan youtube agar di cache
acl youtube dstdomain .youtube.com
cache allow youtube

# selain youtube, kita paksa agar tidak masuk cache
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
cache deny QUERY

refresh_pattern -i (get_video\?|videodownload\?|videoplayback\?) 161280 50000% 525948 override-expire ignore-reload

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Tunning Lusca

Written by Bima Firewall 2 comments Posted in:

acl store_rewrite_list urlpath_regex            \/(get_video|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id)
acl store_rewrite_list urlpath_regex            \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|wmv|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|zip|on2|mar)\?
acl store_rewrite_list_domain url_regex         ^http:\/\/([a-zA-Z-]+[0-9-]+)\.[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*
acl store_rewrite_list_domain url_regex         (([a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,3})|([0-9]{1,3}[a-z]{1,2}))\.[a-z]*[0-9]?\.[a-z]{3}
acl store_rewrite_list_path urlpath_regex       \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|avc|zip|mp3|3gp|rar|on2|mar|exe)$
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     \.rapidshare\.com.*\/[0-9]*\/.*\/[^\/]* ^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*) \.doubleclick\.net.*
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     ^http:\/\/[.a-z0-9]*\.photobucket\.com.*\.[a-z]{3}$ quantserve\.com
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     ^http:\/\/[a-z]+[0-9]\.google\.co(m|\.id)
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     ^http:\/\/\.www[0-9][0-9]\.indowebster\.com\/(.*)(rar|zip|flv|wm(a|v)|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|avi|(mp(e?g|a|e|1|2|3|4))|cab|exe)
acl dontrewrite url_regex redbot\.org \.php
acl getmethod method GET

storeurl_access deny dontrewrite
storeurl_access deny !getmethod
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_domain
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_path
storeurl_access deny all

storeurl_rewrite_program /etc/squid/storeurl.pl
storeurl_rewrite_children 7
storeurl_rewrite_concurrency 10

# 1 year = 525600 mins, 1 month = 43800 mins
refresh_pattern imeem.*\.flv  0 0% 0     override-lastmod override-expire store-stale
refresh_pattern \.rapidshare.*\/[0-9]*\/.*\/[^\/]*   161280    90%    161280 ignore-reload  store-stale

refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?|videodownload\?|\.flv?)    129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id|videodownload\?|\.flv?)    129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern \.(ico|video-stats) 129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private ignore-auth override-lastmod ignore-must-revalidate negative-ttl=10080 store-stale
refresh_pattern \.etology\?                       129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale
refresh_pattern galleries\.video(\?|sz)               129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale  
refresh_pattern brazzers\?                       129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale
refresh_pattern \.adtology\?                      129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale  
#refresh_pattern ^.*(utm\.gif|ads\?|rmxads\.com|ad\.z5x\.net|bh\.contextweb\.com|bstats\.adbrite\.com|a1\.interclick\.com|ad\.trafficmp\.com|ads\.cubics\.com|ad\.xtendmedia\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|advertising\.com|yieldmanager|game-advertising\.com|pixel\.quantserve\.com|adperium\.com|doubleclick\.net|adserving\.cpxinteractive\.com|syndication\.com|media.fastclick.net).* 129600 20% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire ignore-reload ignore-auth ignore-must-revalidate store-stale negative-ttl=40320 max-stale=10
#refresh_pattern ^.*safebrowsing.*google  129600 999999% 129600 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth ignore-must-revalidate negative-ttl=10080 store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http://((cbk|mt|khm|mlt)[0-9]?)\.google\.co(m|\.uk) 129600 999999% 129600 override-expire ignore-reload   ignore-private store-stale negative-ttl=10080
refresh_pattern ytimg\.com.*\.jpg                   129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload   store-stale  
refresh_pattern images\.friendster\.com.*\.(png|gif)           129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload   store-stale 
refresh_pattern garena\.com                                   129600 999999% 129600     override-expire reload-into-ims store-stale  
refresh_pattern photobucket.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|tiff?|bmp|gif|png)  129600 999999% 129600     override-expire ignore-reload   store-stale 
refresh_pattern vid\.akm\.dailymotion\.com.*\.on2\?           129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache override-expire override-lastmod store-stale
refresh_pattern mediafire.com\/images.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|tiff?|bmp|gif|png)    129600 999999% 129600 reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-private    store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/images|pics|thumbs[0-9]\.      129600 999999% 129600 reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload override-expire store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/www.onemanga.com.*\/           129600 999999% 129600 reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload override-expire store-stale

refresh_pattern guru.avg.com/.*\.(bin)                      43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern (avgate|avira).*(idx|gz)$                           43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern kaspersky.*\.avc$                                   43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern kaspersky                                           43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern update.nai.com/.*\.(gem|zip|mcs)                    43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com.*\(zip)     43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale

refresh_pattern windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe)             43200  999999%  129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern update.microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe)             43200  999999%  129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern download.microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe)             43200  999999%  129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale

#images facebook
refresh_pattern ((facebook.com)|(*\.(jpg|png|gif)      129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.fbcdn.net.*\.(jpg|gif|png|swf|mp3)                  129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale
refresh_pattern  static\.ak\.fbcdn\.net*\.(jpg|gif|png)                  129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/profile\.ak\.fbcdn.net*\.(jpg|gif|png)      129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale

#banner IIX
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/openx.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|pn[pg]|swf|ico|css|tiff?) 129600 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/ads(1|2|3).kompas.com.*\/           43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/img.ads.kompas.com.*\/           43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern .kompasimages.com.*\.(jpg|gif|png|swf)       43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/openx.kompas.com.*\/           43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern kaskus.\us.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|swf)        43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/img.kaskus.us.*\.(jpg|gif|png|swf)       43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale

refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/\.www[0-9][0-9]\.indowebster\.com\/(.*)(mp3|rar|zip|flv|wmv|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|zip) 43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale ignore-auth

#All File
refresh_pattern -i \.(3gp|7z|ace|asx|avi|bin|cab|dat|deb|divx|dvr-ms)      129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(rar|jar|gz|tgz|bz2|iso|m1v|m2(v|p)|mo(d|v))          129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|pn[pg]|bm?|tiff?|ico|swf|css|js)     129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(mp(e?g|a|e|1|2|3|4)|mk(a|v)|ms(i|u|p)|og(x|v|a|g)|rar|rm|r(a|p)m|snd|vob|wav) 129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(pp(s|t)|wax|wm(a|v)|wmx|wpl|zip|cb(r|z|t))     129600 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale

refresh_pattern (cgi-bin|\?)       0      0%      0
refresh_pattern ^gopher:    1440    0%    1440
refresh_pattern ^ftp:         10080     95%     43200 override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern         .     180     95% 43200 override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale

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Written by Bima Firewall 1 comments Posted in:

acl store_rewrite_list urlpath_regex            \/(get_video|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id)
acl store_rewrite_list urlpath_regex            \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|wmv|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|zip|on2|mar)\?
acl store_rewrite_list_domain url_regex         ^http:\/\/([a-zA-Z-]+[0-9-]+)\.[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*
acl store_rewrite_list_domain url_regex         (([a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,3})|([0-9]{1,3}[a-z]{1,2}))\.[a-z]*[0-9]?\.[a-z]{3}
acl store_rewrite_list_path urlpath_regex       \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|avc|zip|mp3|3gp|rar|on2|mar|exe)$
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     \.rapidshare\.com.*\/[0-9]*\/.*\/[^\/]* ^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*) \.doubleclick\.net.*
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     ^http:\/\/[.a-z0-9]*\.photobucket\.com.*\.[a-z]{3}$ quantserve\.com
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     ^http:\/\/[a-z]+[0-9]\.google\.co(m|\.id)
acl store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN url_regex     ^http:\/\/\.www[0-9][0-9]\.indowebster\.com\/(.*)(rar|zip|flv|wm(a|v)|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|avi|(mp(e?g|a|e|1|2|3|4))|cab|exe)
acl dontrewrite url_regex redbot\.org \.php
acl getmethod method GET

storeurl_access deny dontrewrite
storeurl_access deny !getmethod
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_domain_CDN
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_domain
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_path
storeurl_access deny all

storeurl_rewrite_program /usr/local/squid/etc/storeurl.pl
storeurl_rewrite_children 1
storeurl_rewrite_concurrency 500

# 1 year = 525600 mins, 1 month = 43800 mins
refresh_pattern imeem.*\.flv  0 0% 0     override-lastmod override-expire store-stale
refresh_pattern \.rapidshare.*\/[0-9]*\/.*\/[^\/]*   161280    90%    161280 ignore-reload  store-stale

refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?|videodownload\?|\.flv?)    129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id|videodownload\?|\.flv?)    129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i (get_video\?|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id||videodownload\?|\.flv?)       129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern \.(ico|video-stats) 129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private ignore-auth override-lastmod ignore-must-revalidate negative-ttl=10080 store-stale
refresh_pattern \.etology\?                       129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale
refresh_pattern galleries\.video(\?|sz)               129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale  
refresh_pattern brazzers\?                       129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale
refresh_pattern \.adtology\?                      129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache store-stale  
refresh_pattern ^.*(utm\.gif|ads\?|rmxads\.com|ad\.z5x\.net|bh\.contextweb\.com|bstats\.adbrite\.com|a1\.interclick\.com|ad\.trafficmp\.com|ads\.cubics\.com|ad\.xtendmedia\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|advertising\.com|yieldmanager|game-advertising\.com|pixel\.quantserve\.com|adperium\.com|doubleclick\.net|adserving\.cpxinteractive\.com|syndication\.com|media.fastclick.net).* 129600 20% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire ignore-reload ignore-auth ignore-must-revalidate store-stale negative-ttl=40320 max-stale=10
refresh_pattern ^.*safebrowsing.*google  129600 999999% 129600 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth ignore-must-revalidate negative-ttl=10080 store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http://((cbk|mt|khm|mlt)[0-9]?)\.google\.co(m|\.uk) 129600 999999% 129600 override-expire ignore-reload   ignore-private store-stale negative-ttl=10080
refresh_pattern ytimg\.com.*\.jpg                   129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload   store-stale  
refresh_pattern images\.friendster\.com.*\.(png|gif)           129600 999999% 129600    override-expire ignore-reload   store-stale 
refresh_pattern garena\.com                                   129600 999999% 129600     override-expire reload-into-ims store-stale  
refresh_pattern photobucket.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|tiff?|bmp|gif|png)  129600 999999% 129600     override-expire ignore-reload   store-stale 
refresh_pattern vid\.akm\.dailymotion\.com.*\.on2\?           129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache override-expire override-lastmod store-stale
refresh_pattern mediafire.com\/images.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|tiff?|bmp|gif|png)    129600 999999% 129600 reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-private    store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/images|pics|thumbs[0-9]\.      129600 999999% 129600 reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload override-expire store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/www.onemanga.com.*\/           129600 999999% 129600 reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload override-expire store-stale

refresh_pattern guru.avg.com/.*\.(bin)                      43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern (avgate|avira).*(idx|gz)$                           43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern kaspersky.*\.avc$                                   43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern kaspersky                                           43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern update.nai.com/.*\.(gem|zip|mcs)                    43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com.*\(zip)     43200 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale

refresh_pattern windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe)             43200  999999%  129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern update.microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe)             43200  999999%  129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern download.microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe)             43200  999999%  129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-reload  reload-into-ims store-stale

#images facebook
refresh_pattern ((facebook.com)|(*\.(jpg|png|gif)      129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.fbcdn.net.*\.(jpg|gif|png|swf|mp3)                  129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale
refresh_pattern  static\.ak\.fbcdn\.net*\.(jpg|gif|png)                  129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/profile\.ak\.fbcdn.net*\.(jpg|gif|png)      129600 999999% 129600 ignore-reload  override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store store-stale

#banner IIX
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/openx.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|pn[pg]|swf|ico|css|tiff?) 129600 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/ads(1|2|3).kompas.com.*\/           43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/img.ads.kompas.com.*\/           43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern .kompasimages.com.*\.(jpg|gif|png|swf)       43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/openx.kompas.com.*\/           43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern kaskus.\us.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|swf)        43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale
refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/img.kaskus.us.*\.(jpg|gif|png|swf)       43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale

refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/\.www[0-9][0-9]\.indowebster\.com\/(.*)(mp3|rar|zip|flv|wmv|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|zip) 43200 99999% 129600 reload-into-ims  ignore-reload override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store  store-stale ignore-auth

#All File
refresh_pattern -i \.(3gp|7z|ace|asx|avi|bin|cab|dat|deb|divx|dvr-ms)      129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(rar|jar|gz|tgz|bz2|iso|m1v|m2(v|p)|mo(d|v))          129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|pn[pg]|bm?|tiff?|ico|swf|css|js)     129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(mp(e?g|a|e|1|2|3|4)|mk(a|v)|ms(i|u|p)|og(x|v|a|g)|rar|rm|r(a|p)m|snd|vob|wav) 129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern -i \.(pp(s|t)|wax|wm(a|v)|wmx|wpl|zip|cb(r|z|t))     129600 999999% 43200 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale

refresh_pattern (cgi-bin|\?)       0      0%      0
refresh_pattern ^gopher:    1440    0%    1440
refresh_pattern ^ftp:         10080     95%     43200 override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale
refresh_pattern         .     180     95% 43200 override-lastmod reload-into-ims store-stale

global_internal_static off
max_stale 10 years
retry_on_error on
buffered_logs on
read_ahead_gap 32 KB

header_access Accept-Encoding deny  all
client_persistent_connections off
server_persistent_connections on
half_closed_clients off
strip_query_terms off
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100
vary_ignore_expire on
reload_into_ims on
pipeline_prefetch on
#range_offset_limit 50 KB
read_timeout 30 minutes
client_lifetime 6 hours
negative_ttl 30 seconds
positive_dns_ttl 6 hours
negative_dns_ttl 60 seconds
pconn_timeout 15 seconds
request_timeout 1 minute
store_avg_object_size 13 KB
log_icp_queries off
ipcache_size 16384
ipcache_low 98
ipcache_high 99
log_fqdn off
fqdncache_size 16384
memory_pools off
forwarded_for on

zph_mode tos
zph_local 0x30
zph_parent 0
zph_option 136

#cachemgr_passwd none info
cachemgr_passwd none all
client_db on
max_filedescriptors 4096
n_aiops_threads 24
#client_socksize  16 MB
load_check_stopen on
load_check_stcreate on
download_fastest_client_speed on

Read more


Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

# This script is NOT written or modified by me, I only copy pasted it from the internet.
# It was First originally Writen by chudy_fernandez@yahoo.com
# & Have been modified by various persons over the net to fix/add various functions.
# Like For Example modified by member of comstuff.net to satisfy common and dynamic content.
# th30nly @comstuff.net a.k.a invisible_theater ,
# For more info, http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube

while (<>) {
@X = split;
#       $X[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
$x = $X[0] . " ";
$_ = $X[1];
$u = $X[1];

if (m/^http:\/\/(.*)\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt))\?(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.speedtest.net.SQUIDINTERNAL/speedtest/" . $2 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/199\.91\.15\d\.\d*\/\w{12}\/(\w*)\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.mediafire.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 ."/" . $2 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/fs\w*\.fileserve\.com\/file\/(\w*)\/[\w-]*\.\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.fileserve.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 . "./" . $2 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/s[0-9]*\.filesonic\.com\/download\/([0-9]*)\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.filesonic.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z]{2}\d*\.4shared\.com(:8080|)\/download\/(.*)\/(.*\..*)\?.*/) {
print $x . "http://www.4shared.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/download/$2\/$3\n";

#4shared preview
}elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z]{2}\d*\.4shared\.com(:8080|)\/img\/(\d*)\/\w*\/dlink__2Fdownload_2F(\w*)_3Ftsid_3D[\w-]*\/preview\.mp3\?sId=\w*/) {
print $x . "http://www.4shared.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/$2\n";

#photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z
}elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z](\.ak\.fbcdn\.net)(\/.*\/)(.*\.jpg)/) {
print $x . "http://photos" . $1 . "/" . $2 . $3  . "\n";

#YX.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net where X 1-9, Y a-z
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-z][0-9]\.sphotos\.ak\.fbcdn\.net\/(.*)\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1  ."/". $2 . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(cbk|mt|khm|mlt|tbn)[0-9]?(.google\.co(m|\.uk|\.id).*)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1  . $2 . "\n";

# compatibility for old cached get_video?video_id
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(videoplayback\?id=.*?|video_id=.*?)\&(.*?)/) {
$z = $2; $z =~ s/video_id=/get_video?video_id=/;
print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $z . "\n";

# youtube fix
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com)\/videoplayback\?(.*)/) {
$p_str = $2;
$tag = "";
$alg = "";
$id = "";
$range = "";
if ($p_str =~ m/(itag=[0-9]*)/){$tag = "&".$1}
if ($p_str =~ m/(algorithm=[a-z]*\-[a-z]*)/){$alg = "&".$1}
if ($p_str =~ m/(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/){$id = "&".$1}
if ($p_str =~ m/(range=[0-9\-]*)/){$range = "&".$1; $range =~ s/-//; $range =~ s/range=//; }
print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $tag . "&" . $alg . "&" . $id . "&" . $range . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) {
print $x . "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif\n";

#Cache High Latency Ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([a-z0-9.]*)(\.doubleclick\.net|\.quantserve\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|yieldmanager|cpxinteractive)(.*)/) {
$y = $3;$z = $2;
for ($y) {
# s/&prev_slotnames=[^&]*//
# s/&u_his=[^&]*//;
# yieldmanager
print $x . "http://" . $1 . $2 . $y . "\n";

#cache high latency ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(ads)\?(.*?)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

# spicific servers starts here....
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "\n";

#cdn, varialble 1st path
} elsif (($u =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) {
@y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
$y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /rapidshare/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)([a-z]*\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*\/[0-9]*)\/(.*?)\/([^\/\?\&]{4,})$/)) {
print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $5 . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /maxporn/) && (m/^http:\/\/([^\/]*?)\/(.*?)\/([^\/]*?)(\?.*)?$/)) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "\n";

#like porn hub variables url and center part of the path, filename etention 3 or 4 with or without ? at the end
} elsif (($u =~ /tube8|pornhub|xvideos/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?(\.[a-z]*)?)\.([a-z]*[0-9]?\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*)(.*?)((\/[a-z]*)?(\/[^\/]*){4}\.[^\/\?]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/)) {
print $x . "http://cdn." . $4 . $6 . "\n";
#...spicific servers end here.

#photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z].ak.fbcdn.net\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1  . "\n";

#for yimg.com video
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*yimg.com)\/\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*\/[^\/\?\&]*\.[^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/) {
print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com//" . $3 . "\n";

#for yimg.com doubled
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com/"  . $3 . "\n";

#for yimg.com with &sig=
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*)/) {
@y = ($1,$2);
$y[0] =~ s/[a-z]+[0-9]+/cdn/;
$y[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . ".yimg.com/"  . $y[1] . "\n";

#youjizz. We use only domain and filename
} elsif (($u =~ /media[0-9]{2,5}\.youjizz/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*)\.([^\/\?\&]{3,4})((\?|\%).*)?$/)) {
@y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
$y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

#general purpose for cdn servers. add above your specific servers.
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]*?)\/\/(.*?)\.(.*)\?(.*?)/) {
print $x . "http://squid-cdn-url//" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

#generic http://variable.domain.com/path/filename."ex" "ext" or "exte" with or withour "? or %"
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\.([^\/\?\&]{2,4})((\?|\%).*)?$/) {
@y = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
$y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

# generic http://variable.domain.com/...
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-]+)*?|.*cdn.*|.*cache.*)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*)$/) {
print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "." . $4 . "/" . $5 .  "\n";

# spicific extention that ends with ?
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|on2)(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

# all that ends with ;
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\;(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

} else {
print $x . $_ . "sucks\n";

Read more

storeurl.pl lusca

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

# $Rev$
# by chudy_fernandez@yahoo.com
# rev by ucok_karnadi@yahoo.com
# rev date 02/04/2012
# visit my facebook account http://www.facebook.com/stressss

while (<>) {
    @X = split;
#       $X[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
        $x = $X[0] . " ";
        $_ = $X[1];
        $u = $X[1];

                        #photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z
if (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z]?(.ak.fbcdn.net.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://photos" . $1  . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*)\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt))\?(.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://www.speedtest.net.SQUIDINTERNAL/speedtest/" . $2 . "\n";

            # photo
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-ash[1-5]?(.fbcdn.net.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://ash.photos" . $1  . "\n";
                     #photos.ak.fbcdn.net where X i(0-9)
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-z][0-9]?.(sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://cdn.photos" . $1  . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/[1-4].bp.(blogspot.com.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://blog-cdn." . $1  . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/download[0-9]{3}.(avast.com.*)/) {
          print $x . "http://avast-cdn." . $1  .  "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/dnl-[0-9]{2}.(geo.kaspersky.com.*)/) {
          print $x . "http://kav-cdn." . $1  .  "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/update.avg.com/) {
          print $x . "http://avg-cdn." . $1  .  "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(cbk|mt|khm|mlt|tbn)[0-9]?(.google\.co(m|\.uk|\.id).*)/) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1  . $2 . "\n";

                     #gstatic and/or wikimapia
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([a-z])[0-9]?(\.gstatic\.com.*|\.wikimapia\.org.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1  . $2 . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(khm|mt)[0-9]?(.google.com.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1  . $2 . "\n";
        #ini untuk cache partial
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*).*?\&(range=[0-9]*).*/) {
        print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $2 . $3 . "\n";
                        # youtube All itag (semua resolusi)
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(itag=[0-9]*).*?\&(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*).*/) {
        print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $2 . "&" . $3 . "\n";

                        # youtube All itag (semua resolusi) posisi kebalikan
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*).*?\&(itag=[0-9]*).*/) {
        print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "&" . $2 . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) {
        print $x . "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif\n";

                        #Cache High Latency Ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([a-z0-9.]*)(\.doubleclick\.net|\.quantserve\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|yieldmanager|cpxinteractive)(.*)/) {
        $y = $3;$z = $2;
        for ($y) {
        # s/&prev_slotnames=[^&]*//
        # s/&u_his=[^&]*//;
        # yieldmanager
        print $x . "http://" . $1 . $2 . $y . "\n";

                        #cache high latency ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(ads)\?(.*?)/) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1 . "\n";

                        #cdn, varialble 1st path
} elsif (($u =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) {
        @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
        $y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./;
        print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /rapidshare/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)([a-z]*\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*\/[0-9]*)\/(.*?)\/([^\/\?\&]{4,})$/)) {
        print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $5 . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /maxporn/) && (m/^http:\/\/([^\/]*?)\/(.*?)\/([^\/]*?)(\?.*)?$/)) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "\n";
} elsif (($u =~ /fucktube/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)(\.[^\.\-]*?[^\/]*\/[^\/]*)\/(.*)\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/\?\&]*)\.([^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*?)$/)) {
        @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5,$6);
        $y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|([^\.]*cdn[^\.]*)|([^\.]*cache[^\.]*))/cdn/;
        print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "/" . $y[3] . "." . $y[4] . "\n";

                        #like porn hub variables url and center part of the path, filename etention 3 or 4 with or without ? at the end
} elsif (($u =~ /tube8|pornhub|xvideos/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?(\.[a-z]*)?)\.([a-z]*[0-9]?\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*)(.*?)((\/[a-z]*)?(\/[^\/]*){4}\.[^\/\?]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/)) {
        print $x . "http://cdn." . $4 . $6 . "\n";

                        #for yimg.com video
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*yimg.com)\/\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*\/[^\/\?\&]*\.[^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/) {
        print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com//" . $3 . "\n";
                        #for yimg.com doubled
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com/"  . $3 . "\n";

                        #for yimg.com with &sig=
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([^\.]*)\.yimg\.com\/(.*)/) {
        @y = ($1,$2);
        $y[0] =~ s/[a-z]+([0-9]+)?/cdn/;
        $y[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
        print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . ".yimg.com/"  . $y[1] . "\n";
                        #youjizz. We use only domain and filename
} elsif (($u =~ /media[0-9]{1,5}\.youjizz/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)(\.[^\.\-]*?\.[^\/]*)\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*)\.([^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*?)$/)) {
        @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
        $y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|([^\.]*cdn[^\.]*)|([^\.]*cache[^\.]*))/cdn/;
        print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

                        #general purpose for cdn servers. add above your specific servers.
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]*?)\/\/(.*?)\.(.*)\?(.*?)/) {
        print $x . "http://squid-cdn-url//" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

                        # spicific extention
# } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|wmv|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|zip|on2|mar|swf).*?/) {
        # @y = ($1,$2);
        # $y[0] =~ s/((cache|cdn)[-\d]*)|([a-zA-A]+-?[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z]*)?)/cdn/;
        # print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . "." . $y[1] . "\n";

                        #generic http://variable.domain.com/path/filename."ex", "ext" or "exte"
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/([^\?\&\=]*)\.([\w\d]{2,4})\??.*$/) {
        @y = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
        $y[0] =~ s/([a-z][0-9][a-z]dlod[\d]{3})|((cache|cdn)[-\d]*)|([a-zA-A]+-?[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z]*)?)/cdn/;
        print $x . "storeurl://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

                        # all that ends with ;
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\;(.*)/) {
        print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

} else {
        print $x . $_ . "\n";

Read more

storeurl.pl default

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

# $Rev$
# by chudy_fernandez@yahoo.com
# Updates at http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube/Discussion
while (<>) {
    @X = split;
#    $X[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
    $x = $X[0] . " ";
    $_ = $X[1];
    $u = $X[1];

            # compatibility for old cached get_video?video_id
if (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(videoplayback\?id=.*?|video_id=.*?)\&(.*?)/) {
    $z = $2; $z =~ s/video_id=/get_video?video_id=/;
    print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $z . "\n";

            # youtube HD itag=22
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?\&(itag=22).*?\&(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/) {
    print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $2 . "&" . $3 . "\n";

            # youtube Normal screen always HD itag 35, Normal screen never HD itag 34, itag=18 <--normal?
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?\&(itag=[0-9]*).*?\&(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/) {
    print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) {
    print $x . "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif\n";

            #Cache High Latency Ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([a-z0-9.]*)(\.doubleclick\.net|\.quantserve\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|yieldmanager|cpxinteractive)(.*)/) {
    $y = $3;$z = $2;
    for ($y) {
    # s/&prev_slotnames=[^&]*//
    # s/&u_his=[^&]*//;
    # yieldmanager
    print $x . "http://" . $1 . $2 . $y . "\n";

            #cache high latency ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(ads)\?(.*?)/) {
    print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

            # spicific servers starts here....
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) {
    print $x . "http://" . $1 . "\n";

            #cdn, varialble 1st path
} elsif (($u =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) {
    @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
    $y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./;
    print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /rapidshare/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)([a-z]*\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*\/[0-9]*)\/(.*?)\/([^\/\?\&]{4,})$/)) {
    print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $5 . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /maxporn/) && (m/^http:\/\/([^\/]*?)\/(.*?)\/([^\/]*?)(\?.*)?$/)) {
    print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "\n";

            #like porn hub variables url and center part of the path, filename etention 3 or 4 with or without ? at the end
} elsif (($u =~ /tube8|pornhub|xvideos/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)\.([a-z]*[0-9]?\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*)(.*?)((\/[a-z]*)?(\/[^\/]*){4}\.[^\/\?]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/)) {
    print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . $5 . "\n";
            #...spicific servers end here.

            #photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z].ak.fbcdn.net\/(.*)/) {
    print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1  . "\n";

            #general purpose for cdn servers. add above your specific servers.
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]*?)\/\/(.*?)\.(.*)\?(.*?)/) {
    print $x . "http://squid-cdn-url//" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

            #for yimg.com doubled
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) {
    print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com/"  . $3 . "\n";

            #for yimg.com with &sig=
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*)/) {
    @y = ($1,$2);
    $y[0] =~ s/[a-z]+[0-9]+/cdn/;
    $y[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
    print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . ".yimg.com/"  . $y[1] . "\n";

            #generic http://variable.domain.com/path/filename."ext" or "exte" with or withour "?"
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*)([^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\.([^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/) {
    @y = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
    $y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A-]+[0-9-]+)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/;
    print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

            # generic http://variable.domain.com/...
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-]+)*?|.*cdn.*|.*cache.*)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*)$/) {
    print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "." . $4 . "/" . $5 .  "\n";

            # spicific extention that ends with ?
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|on2)\?(.*)/) {
    print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

            # all that ends with ;
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\;(.*)/) {
    print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

} else {
    print $x . $_ . "\n";

Read more


Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

# Writen by chudy_fernandez@yahoo.com
# http://aacable.wordpres.com / Syed Jahanzaib
# Email: aacable@hotmail.com
while (<>) {
@X = split;
#       $X[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
$x = $X[0] . " ";
$_ = $X[1];
$u = $X[1];

if (m/^http:\/\/(.*)\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt))\?(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.speedtest.net.SQUIDINTERNAL/speedtest/" . $2 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/199\.91\.15\d\.\d*\/\w{12}\/(\w*)\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.mediafire.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 ."/" . $2 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/fs\w*\.fileserve\.com\/file\/(\w*)\/[\w-]*\.\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.fileserve.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 . "./" . $2 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/s[0-9]*\.filesonic\.com\/download\/([0-9]*)\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://www.filesonic.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 . "\n";

}elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z]{2}\d*\.4shared\.com(:8080|)\/download\/(.*)\/(.*\..*)\?.*/) {
print $x . "http://www.4shared.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/download/$2\/$3\n";

#4shared preview
}elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z]{2}\d*\.4shared\.com(:8080|)\/img\/(\d*)\/\w*\/dlink__2Fdownload_2F(\w*)_3Ftsid_3D[\w-]*\/preview\.mp3\?sId=\w*/) {
print $x . "http://www.4shared.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/$2\n";

#photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z
}elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z](\.ak\.fbcdn\.net)(\/.*\/)(.*\.jpg)/) {
print $x . "http://photos" . $1 . "/" . $2 . $3  . "\n";

#YX.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net where X 1-9, Y a-z
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-z][0-9]\.sphotos\.ak\.fbcdn\.net\/(.*)\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1  ."/". $2 . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(cbk|mt|khm|mlt|tbn)[0-9]?(.google\.co(m|\.uk|\.id).*)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1  . $2 . "\n";

# compatibility for old cached get_video?video_id
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(videoplayback\?id=.*?|video_id=.*?)\&(.*?)/) {
$z = $2; $z =~ s/video_id=/get_video?video_id=/;
print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $z . "\n";

# youtube fix
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com)\/videoplayback\?(.*)/) {
$p_str = $2;
$tag = "";
$alg = "";
$id = "";
$range = "";
if ($p_str =~ m/(itag=[0-9]*)/){$tag = "&".$1}
if ($p_str =~ m/(algorithm=[a-z]*\-[a-z]*)/){$alg = "&".$1}
if ($p_str =~ m/(id=[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/){$id = "&".$1}
if ($p_str =~ m/(range=[0-9\-]*)/){$range = "&".$1; $range =~ s/-//; $range =~ s/range=//; }
print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $tag . "&" . $alg . "&" . $id . "&" . $range . "\n";

} elsif (m/^http:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) {
print $x . "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif\n";

#Cache High Latency Ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([a-z0-9.]*)(\.doubleclick\.net|\.quantserve\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|yieldmanager|cpxinteractive)(.*)/) {
$y = $3;$z = $2;
for ($y) {
# s/&prev_slotnames=[^&]*//
# s/&u_his=[^&]*//;
# yieldmanager
print $x . "http://" . $1 . $2 . $y . "\n";

#cache high latency ads
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(ads)\?(.*?)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

# spicific servers starts here....
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "\n";

#cdn, varialble 1st path
} elsif (($u =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) {
@y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
$y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /rapidshare/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)([a-z]*\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*\/[0-9]*)\/(.*?)\/([^\/\?\&]{4,})$/)) {
print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $5 . "\n";

} elsif (($u =~ /maxporn/) && (m/^http:\/\/([^\/]*?)\/(.*?)\/([^\/]*?)(\?.*)?$/)) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "\n";

#like porn hub variables url and center part of the path, filename etention 3 or 4 with or without ? at the end
} elsif (($u =~ /tube8|pornhub|xvideos/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?(\.[a-z]*)?)\.([a-z]*[0-9]?\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*)(.*?)((\/[a-z]*)?(\/[^\/]*){4}\.[^\/\?]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/)) {
print $x . "http://cdn." . $4 . $6 . "\n";
#...spicific servers end here.

#photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z].ak.fbcdn.net\/(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1  . "\n";

#for yimg.com video
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*yimg.com)\/\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*\/[^\/\?\&]*\.[^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/) {
print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com//" . $3 . "\n";

#for yimg.com doubled
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com/"  . $3 . "\n";

#for yimg.com with &sig=
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*)/) {
@y = ($1,$2);
$y[0] =~ s/[a-z]+[0-9]+/cdn/;
$y[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . ".yimg.com/"  . $y[1] . "\n";

#youjizz. We use only domain and filename
} elsif (($u =~ /media[0-9]{2,5}\.youjizz/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*)\.([^\/\?\&]{3,4})((\?|\%).*)?$/)) {
@y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
$y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

#general purpose for cdn servers. add above your specific servers.
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]*?)\/\/(.*?)\.(.*)\?(.*?)/) {
print $x . "http://squid-cdn-url//" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

#generic http://variable.domain.com/path/filename."ex" "ext" or "exte" with or withour "? or %"
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\.([^\/\?\&]{2,4})((\?|\%).*)?$/) {
@y = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
$y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/;
print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n";

# generic http://variable.domain.com/...
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-]+)*?|.*cdn.*|.*cache.*)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*)$/) {
print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "." . $4 . "/" . $5 .  "\n";

# spicific extention that ends with ?
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|on2)(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "." . $3 . "\n";

# all that ends with ;
} elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\;(.*)/) {
print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2  . "\n";

} else {
print $x . $_ . "sucks\n";

Read more

Install Proxy Lusca di ClearOS 5.2

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

Langkah-Langkah :

yum install squid

yum remove squid          (jawab :  y)

yum remove squid          (sengaja… untuk memastikan gak ada yg tersisa)

yum install automake gcc glibc-devel e2fsprogs-devel sharutils                 (jawab : y)

wget http://lusca-cache.googlecode.com/files/LUSCA_HEAD-r14809.tar.gz

tar -zxvf LUSCA_HEAD-r14809.tar.gz

cd LUSCA_HEAD-r14809

ulimit -n 8192

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid --exec-prefix=/usr/local/squid --enable-delay-pools --enable-cache-digests --enable-poll --enable-linux-netfilter --enable-removal-policies --with-maxfd=8192 --enable-storeio=aufs --disable-wccp --enable-x-accelerator-vary --enable-kill-parent-hack --enable-async-io=30 --disable-ident-lookups

make all && make install

cd /usr/local/squid/etc/

wget http://v1.tiberias.or.id/downloads/squid.conf

wget http://v1.tiberias.or.id/downloads/storeurl.pl.conf

wget http://www.hendraarif.web.id/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/tunning.conf
(cat. jika tunning.conf gagal didonlot, bisa copy semua isi dari ini, lalu paste ke notepad, simpan dengan nama : tunning.conf, lalu copykan ke /usr/local/squid/etc/ , gunakan winscp)

buka winscp :
  • masuk ke folder/directory : /usr/local/squid/etc/
  • ganti nama file :  storeurl.pl.conf  menjadi storeurl.pl   (klik kanan rename)
  • hapus file : squid.conf (atau ganti dg nama lain)
  • ganti nama file :  squid.conf.1 menjadi squid.conf
  • buka file squid.conf, untuk melakukan pengeditan. diedit.
  • tambahkan tanda # didepan baris offline_mode on (hasilnya : #offline_mode on)
  • menyesuaikan IP, cari baris perintah berikut :
  •      acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
  •      ganti dg ip LAN kita, contoh : ganti dengan
  •      ganti juga ip yg berada dikelompok delaypool (digulung/scroll kebawah sampai mentok) ganti dengan IP LAN kita tadi.

kembali lagi ke…… PUTTY : 
cd /usr/local/squid/etc/

rm -rf /cache1/

mkdir /cache1

chown squid:squid /cache1

chmod 777 squid.conf tunning.conf storeurl.pl

/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k parse

/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -z

/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -NDd1 &

jika tampil tulisan : Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
bla.. bla.. bla
bla.. bla.. bla
                 storeLateRelease: released 0 objects.

artinya lusca berhasil ditanamkan di server anda..
tekan ctrl + C untuk kembali ke prompt (taulah apa namanya... yg tanda # itu lo :D)

kembali lagi ke… WINSCP :
  • masuk ke direktori  /etc/rc.d
  • buka file : rc.local
  • hapus semua dan gantikan dengan script dibawah ini:
# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -NDd1 &
# This file is executed by the firewall on stop/start/restart.
  •  Simpan, tutup.

  •  Masuk ke folder : /etc
  • Buka file : firewall
  • Cari baris berikut :
# Squid configuration
SQUID_FILTER_PORT="" ( ganti menjadi ) SQUID_FILTER_PORT="3128"
  • Simpan, tutup.
 Sumber : Beldin.net

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Instal Proxy LUSCA_HEAD-r14733 di UBUNTU

Written by Bima Firewall 0 comments Posted in:

Lusca Proxy High performance merupakan pengembangan dari squid oleh developer squid Andrian cadd yg didekasikan terutama utk caching file2 dynamic (kayak youtube, google addssense, banner, iklan dll) file2 itu biasanya membuat penuh cache, tapi karena content dynamic oleh squid pasti akan dianggap miss dan akan mendownload lagi jadi bisa membuat posioning cache. Lusca sanggup mencache file2 tsb dan menjadi hit content.. banyaknya file dinamis ini tentu akan jauh menghemat bandwidth yg kita pakai..

Bahan-bahan :
- Download dulo di : http://www.ziddu.com/download/11936516/ … A.rar.html
- Ubuntu 9.10
- Ip proxy
- Gatewai
- Ip mikrotik ke arah proxy
- Ram 1 GB
- HDD Sata 80 GB

Partisi HDD :
Dari harddisk 80 Gb dibagi sebagai berikut:
/ 5 Gb EXT4 System ( Flag Boot)
/var 5 Gb EXT4
/usr 9 Gb EXT4
swap 1Gb Swap
/squid-1 20 Gb ReiserFS
/squid-2 20 Gb ReiserFS
/squid-3 20 Gb ReiserFS

Install Paket yg di butuhkan :
#sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install squid
# sudo apt-get install squid squidclient squid-cgi
# sudo apt-get install gcc
# sudo apt-get install build-essential
# sudo apt-get install sharutils
# sudo apt-get install ccze
# sudo apt-get install libzip-dev
# sudo apt-get install automake1.9

Download dan Patch Lusca
wget hxxp://lusca-cache.googlecode.com/files/LUSCA_HEAD-r14733.tar.gz

lalu ekstrak dan masuk ke foldernya :
# tar xzvf LUSCA_HEAD-r14733.tar.gz
# cd LUSCA_HEAD-r14733
kita patch dulo paket yg kita download tadi, sebelumnya di pastekan dulo ke dir instalasi lusca :

patch -p0 < luscaVaryrR14697.diff
patch -p0 <3xx\ loop.diff
patch -p0 < ignore-must-revalidate.diff
patch -p2 < keblux-lusca-gzip.patch

sebelum compile lakukan perintah ini : ./bootstrap.sh

Ok sekarang dimulai tahap compile nya :

./configure -prefix=/usr --exec_prefix=/usr -bindir=/usr/sbin -sbindir=/usr/sbin -libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid -sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
-localstatedir=/var/spool/squid -datadir=/usr/share/squid -enable-http-gzip -enable-async-io=24 -with-aufs-threads=24 -with-pthreads -enable-storeio=aufs \
-enable-linux-netfilter -enable-arp-acl -enable-epoll -enable-removal-policies=heap -with-aio -with-dl -enable-snmp \
-enable-delay-pools -enable-htcp -enable-cache-digests -disable-unlinkd -enable-large-cache-files -with-large-files \
-enable-err-languages=English -enable-default-err-language=English -with-maxfd=65536

Selanjutnya, ketik perintah berikut di terminal :

# make
# sudo make install

Edit squid.conf

# stop dulu squidnya dg perintah : sudo /etc/init.d/squid stop atau squid stop (ubuntu 10.04 Lts)
# kemudian copy file squid.conf, storeurl.pl yg di download tadi kedalam folder /etc/squid

Langkah selanjutnya :

# Memberikan permission pada folder cache
chown -R proxy.proxy /squid-1
chown -R proxy.proxy /squid-2
chown -R proxy.proxy /squid-3
chmod 755 /etc/squid/storeurl.pl
chown -R proxy:proxy /etc/squid/storeurl.pl

# Membuat folder-folder swap/cache di dalam folder cache yang telah ditentukan dg perintah :

squid -f /etc/squid/squid.conf -z

# Restart squid
sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart atau squid restart (Ubuntu 10.04)

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